BG Alexander Nursing College

BG Alexander Nursing College

A JOSHCO Inner City rejuvenation project, B G Alexander (formerly a nurse's home and training facility) is located in the heart of Hillbrow. In response to market demands, JOSHCO has converted part of the building into single-room accommodation. Phase one of the project created 228 communal housing units and cost R12 million. Phase two includes the construction of bachelor, one and two bedroom rental apartments. In total, the project consists of 490 units consisting of 376 communal housing rooms, six bachelor units, 15 one-bedroom apartments, 12 two-bedroom apartments and 81 emergency housing beds.

The final phase of the project includes the rejuvenation and building of a training centre, a community kitchen, four recreation halls, a sports area, a créche able to accommodate 160 children, an auditorium and offices to provide community and social services.

