

Vodacom Phase IV

  • This project, known as Renaissance Building, is also located at the Midrand campus and comprises of a 20 000m2 office block for staff as well accommodation for Vodacom's preferred suppliers. As for the Phase 3 project essential services had to be backed up by generator and UPS power.
  • On this site a football and netball field, with change room facilities were built for Vodacom staff for which suitable flood-lighting had to be designed and erected. Also, a full amphitheatre was built which was later used for the gathering of the 2010 world cup award announcement.
  • Provision has also been made in the electrical infrastructure to build a second office block, of similar size, on the same site.
  • This project commenced in 2002 and was completed 12 months later.

Vodacom Phase III

This phase consisted of 2 buildings:

  • The building known as Commercial Park, consisted of a 30 000m2 office block, with full supporting facilities for Vodacom staff, such as a canteen, pause areas, meeting rooms, IT computer room and hub-rooms and an executive dining room. This building has an access floor throughout the office areas.
  • The building has been provided with a 3 MVA incoming power supply with generator and UPS (dual redundancy) back-up power for the essential services such as PCs, air conditioning of computer room and the hub-rooms. The computer room has since been extended and is currently powered by an additional transformer, generator and UPS capacity.
  • The second building, now called Service Park was designed as a 1000 seat call-centre. Vodacom's intention was to centralise their local call centres in this facility. Being a call centre particular attention was given to the back-up power arrangement, with full generator and dual redundant UPS back-up facilities.
  • This building also accommodates Vodacom's cell phone storage warehouse. This facility measures approximately 5000m2 in area and has a height of 12m.

Vodacom Phase V

  • To further consolidate staff facilities and to provide increasing support for their preferred suppliers, Vodacom decided to embark on the next phase of their expansion plan. This consisted of buying out an existing office facility (Pactel) and building another office block adjacent to this building.
  • This project consisted of approximately 15 000m2 of office space and included the now pre-requisite computer - hub room arrangement and the back-up power via generators and UPSs.
  • Many of Vodacom's suppliers have since moved into this facility from the Phase 4 building due to insufficient space.
  • The project commenced in 2004 and was completed 12 months later.

Vodacom Phase VI

This building is known as the Techno Park Building and is positioned on the most Southern point of the Vodacom campus. The project was split into the main switching centres (MSC's) and the associated office block. Nala was responsible for the latter in addition to the medium voltage supply to Techno Park. The office block is made up of a single level basement parking of approximately 5,000m2 and an approximate 10,000m2 double storey office block.

The office block consists of open plan offices, management offices, meeting rooms, dual supply hub rooms and a canteen. The east freeway facing facade can accommodate signage and can be viewed by the passing traffic. Access floors are installed throughout the office area.

Techno Park has an 8 MVA capacity supply from City Power for the MSC and offices. The offices are supported with 1 000kVA emergency generator power and UPS power fed from two independent 400kVA UPS's.

The project commenced in February 2006 and was completed in June 2008.

